Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) Animations
2) Communication
3) Containers
4) Data
5) Events
6) Graphics
7) Shapes
8) UI Controls
1) A basic LinearGradientBrush rendered diagonally
2) A basic LinearGradientBrush rendered horizontally
3) A basic RadialGradientBrush
4) A basic SolidColorBrush in action
5) A horizontal LinearGradientBrush with multiple transitions
6) A Partially Transparent Button
7) A Radial Gradient
8) A Radial Gradient with an Offset Center
9) Add image control to Canvas
10) Adding a LinearGradientBrush
11) Adding a VideoBrush
12) Adds two Image controls to a grid, one to row 1 column 0 and the second to row 2 column 0
13) An alternative form of specifying colors is the floating point wide gamut linear RGB color space (scRGB)
14) An ellipse that has been scaled by 20%
15) An example of a VideoBrush
16) An example of a VideoBrush within a TextBlock
17) An example of an ImageBrush
18) An Image that uses a picture from another domain
19) Animated Clip Examples
20) Animating Opacity in JPEG Images
21) Applies a horizontal skew of 45 degrees from a center point of (0,0)
22) Applies a horizontal skew of 45 degrees from a center point of (25,25)
23) Applies a vertical skew of 45 degrees from a center point of (25,25)
24) Applying Transforms to JPEG Images
25) Bevel Line Join
26) Blur an Image
27) Button with style
28) Change image Opacity
29) Clipped Button
30) Clipping image with Geometry Group
31) Clipping is the process of restricting the display area to a specified shape
32) Combine Transforms with TransformGroup
33) Comparing various uses of the RadiusX and RadiusY properties of the RadialGradientBrush
34) Consider the following use of a LinearGradientBrush
35) Creating an Image
36) Dash Pattern 1 2
37) Dash Pattern 2 1
38) Dash Pattern 5 0 2 3 0 2
39) Dash Pattern with Rounded Caps
40) Degree Radian Rotation
41) Diagonal Linear Gradient
42) Different image stretch options
43) Draws an oval with a blue interior
44) Draws an oval with a blue interior and a black outline
45) DropShadows Images
46) Element To Logical Point
47) Elliptical Clip Example
48) Fill an Ellipse with Cyan and Draw the border with Black color
49) Fill Rectangle with Gradient color
50) Fills the polylines with a light gray color
51) Flat Line Cap
52) From predefined color name in the Colors class
53) From sRGB values in the Color strutcure
54) Glyphs with ttf font file
55) Horizontal Linear Gradient
56) Horizontal Linear Gradient and GradientStop
57) Image as Resource
58) Image Brush Demo
59) Image Brushes
60) Image Brushes and JPEG Images
61) Image Drops Sharow
62) Image element
63) Image Reflection
64) Image Stretch=Fill
65) Image Stretch=Uniform
66) Image Stretch=UniformToFill
67) ImageBlur Effect
68) ImageBrush Opacity from 1 to 0
69) ImageBrush Stretch Style
70) Implementing a Full-Screen
71) LinearGradientBrush examples with GradientStop as Resources
72) LinearGradientBrush Opacity from 1 to 0
73) LinearGradientBrush SpreadMethod
74) LinearGradientBrush SpreadMethod=Reflect
75) LinearGradientBrush SpreadMethod=Repeat
76) LinearGradientPath and GradientStopCollection
77) Load external ttf font file
78) Load image from a URI
79) Make the SolidColorBrush appear semitransparent by setting the Opacity property
80) MatrixTransform Transformation
81) Miter Line Join
82) Miter Line Join With Limit of 3
83) Multicolored Gradient
84) One Dimensional Vector
85) OpacityMask example
86) Paint Grid background with LinearGradientBrush in code
87) Radial Color Gradients
88) Radial Gradient Brush with offset 0 5
89) RadialGradientBrush examples and Define GradientStop in Resource
90) RadialGradientBrush GradientOrigin
91) RadialGradientBrush Opacity from 1 to 0
92) RadialGradientBrush Rectangle Stroke
93) RadialGradientBrush SpreadMethod=Pad
94) RadialGradientBrush SpreadMethod=Reflect
95) RadialGradientBrush SpreadMethod=Repeat
96) Referencing a relative multiscale image at runtime
97) Referencing a relative multiscale image in XAML
98) Reflection effects
99) Rendering Clipped JPEG Images
100) Rendering Rectangles with Opacity
101) Retrieving the SolidColorBrush
102) Rotate controls counterclockwise by setting Angle to a negative value between 0 and -360
103) Rotate the text 90 degrees using a RotateTransform
104) Rotated 35 degrees
105) Rotated text in Arial font
106) RotateTransform an ImageBrush
107) RotateTransform Transformation
108) Round Line Cap
109) Round Line Join
110) Scale Transform, Rotate Transform in code
111) Semi-transparent
112) Set color for SolidColorBrush
113) Set font size and font family for Button
114) Setting the FontSize at design time
115) Setting the FontStyle at design time
116) Setting the FontStyle at runtime
117) Show in full screen
118) Simulate opacity mask effect with a rectangle on top
119) Simulating lighting effects with linear fills
120) Skew the text using a SkewTransform
121) SkewTransform AngleX
122) SkewTransform Transformation
123) SolidColorBrush Opacity property from 1 to 0
124) SolidColorBrush returns a single color for all screen positions
125) Specify Alpha, Red, Green and Blue using scARGB format
126) Specify Red, Green and Blue using scRGB format
127) Specify using Alpha, Red Green and Blue hex values
128) Specify using Alpha, Red, Green and Blue hex values (2 digits per value)
129) Specify using Red, Green and Blue hex values
130) Specify using Red, Green and Blue hex values (2 digits per value)
131) Specify using set Brush Color
132) Specifying a Stretch of None for ImageBrush
133) Square Line Cap
134) Stretch = Fill
135) Stretch = None
136) Stretch = Uniform
137) Stretch = UniformToFill
138) StrokeDashArray
139) StrokeDashArray 4,2 StrokeDashOffset
140) StrokeDashArray example of long and short dashes
141) StrokeStartLineCap=Round, StrokeEndLineCap=Round
142) Styles And Templates
143) Switching a plug-in into full-screen mode
144) Text in Arial font
145) The Color property of the SolidColorBrush used to fill this rectangle is animated
146) The Color property of this rectangles SolidColorBrush is animated
147) The Opacity property of this rectangles SolidColorBrush is animated
148) The relationship between the FontSize and LineHeight properties
149) The same SolidColorBrush defined as a resource at design time and runtime
150) The values for FontFamily that are available on all platforms include
151) Transform demo
152) Transform RadialGradientBrush
153) Transforming an Object
154) Triangle Line Cap
155) Triangular Clip Example
156) Uneven Dash Pattern 2 0 5 2
157) Use GradientStopCollection to group Gradient stops
158) Use ImageBrush as the TextBox Background
159) Use of the None option on an adequately sized Image element
160) Use RadialGradientBrush to fill Ellipse
161) Use RotateTransform to transform an image
162) Use SkewTransform to transform an image
163) Use slider to rotate an Image
164) Use the Image element with a reference to a URI
165) Using an Image as an Opacity Mask
166) Using an ImageBrush
167) Using the Jpeg Image
168) Vector Angle Conversion
169) Vector Angles
170) Vector Math
171) XAML That Implements a RadialGradientBrush to a Rectangle Control
172) Zoom a MultiScaleImage